The one stop shop for all your fursuiting/mascot-related questions and topics!
I'd love to hear what fursuiting means to you, what challenges and benefits it's brought to your life.
Got any funny or touching stories you'd like to share? Maybe just photos?
Please do!

The only fursuiting I have done in my life has been as The Beast from "Beauty and the Beast" and it has so far been beyond satisfying. Of course I am NOT being my own character I am portraying another copyrighted character, but just the fact people are attracted to it like a magnet makes the whole thing satisfying. I have received some of the best and more wholesome interactions as The Beast. It's also my "bridge" fursuit as I can wear it at Disney conventions, comic conventions, anime conventions and furry conventions and he'd fit right in because it both looks great and it's a legacy character that people love.